Adolf Hitler
If evil ever existed on earth, that would be Adolf Hitler himself. He would always be remembered as the brutal dictator that started World War Two. In second world war more than forty million people died because this eccentric maniac had the power to do so. He makes the top of my list , because of the crimes and the sufferance that he has inflicted upon people are so unimaginable, and because his crimes would make other dictators look like they just graduated from "kinder garden".
Joseph Stalin
Stalin ruled the Soviet Union with an iron fist , from the early 1930s until 1953. Together with Hitler he has been classified as one of the most brutal dictators to have ever lived. In his path to power Stalin decimated all of his political opponents, the most prominent of them being Leon Trotsky, the organiser of the Red Army. Researchers on the Soviet Union subject estimate that the number of people killed under Stalin's regime could be as high as 60 million. Comrade Stalin made my list because of the number of horrific crimes that has committed on people, such as mass killings, mass starvation and forced labour camps.
Kim Jong-Il
North Korea's ruler has been considered by many to be one of the most brutal dictators to have ever lived. He is a master of propaganda and uses the state run television to brainwash his own citizens. According to state-run media, Kimg Jong Il is the most prominent statesman in the present world, and people in countries of the whole planet over celebrate his birthday with films and festivals. He has absolute power over the country and no one is allowed to leave North Korea. Is is estimated that more than 3 million people died from starvation in North Korea, during the early 90s. North Korea is one of the most secretive states in the world and news is hard to come by. Therefore, making this maniac ruler an enigmatic figure.
Enver Hoxha
Enver Hoxha was a Marxist–Leninist revolutionary and the leader of Albania from the end of World War II until his death in 1985, as the First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania. The most valuable weapon in his hand was his secret service "Sigurimi" who he used to intimidate imprison and murder political opponents and ordinary citizens alike. Sigurimi followed the repressive methods of the NKVD, MGB, KGB, and the East German Stasi. "Its activities permeated Albanian society to the extent that every third citizen had either served time in labour camps or had been interrogated by Sigurimi officers.To eliminate dissents, the government imprisoned thousands in forced-labour camps or executed them for crimes such as alleged treachery or for disrupting the proletarian dictatorship. During his Stalinist regime from 1944-1985 period. In total 6,535 people were killed or died in prison in Albania. 6,000 others died on the border, killed by border guards while trying to escape the country. I choose this lunatic to make my list not only for his brutality but also for very personal reasons. Albania is the country where i was born, but thank God because of my age i have not experienced his brutal days. However, talking to my grandparents and my parents i have learnt a lot about their sufferance and their struggle during those days. Finally,I want to conclude by saying that I am proud of my heritage and that I am really ashamed that Enver Hoxha was an Albanian.
Good post, man ... lots of typos, but this demonstrates what I am looking for.